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The journal "Ekonomika" was initiated in July 1954. It was published as “Niš Economic Messenger”(He had ISSN) till June, 1957 and as “The Economic Messenger” (ISSN 0032-8987) till the end of 1969. The title “Science and Practice”(ISSN 0558-3063) it had till the issue 1/1973 when it changed its name into "Ekonomika" as it entitled today.
The Journal was initiated by the Society of Economists of Nis and the Society of Engineers and Technicians of Nis (the latter remained as the publisher till the end of 1964). The Society of Accountants became its publisher starting from the issue no. 6-7/1958. The Faculty of Economics, Niš, on the basis of its Resolution No. 04-2021 from December 26, 1991, became the co-publisher of "Ekonomika". Likewise, the Faculty of Economics of Priština became the co-publisher since in 1992.
Co-published "Economics" and the Institute of Agricultural Economics - Belgrade in January 2008, the Faculty of Business Studies and Law, Belgrade from November 2009, the Faculty of Management - Sremski Karlovci since November 2015. As co-published "Economics" have featured in the course of 1990-1996. and the Foundation for Scientific Work of the Municipality of Nis, the Institute for Spatial and Urban Planning of Nis and the Corporation Winner Broker, Nis. Marketing Association Nis region was co-editor in the period 1992-2010. years. Faculty of Business Assistance - Sremska Kamenica 2006-2015. , the Faculty of Industrial Management - Kruševac, 2009 to 2014 Alpha University, Belgrade 2010-2015. year.
The Republic Secretariat for Information of the Socialist Republic of Serbia, by its Resolution No. 651-126/73-02 from November, 27, 1974, approved of "Ekonomika’s " requirement to be introduced into the Press Register. The Assembly of the Society of Economists of Nis, at its session on April 24, 1990, by its statutory resolution, confirmed the legal status of "Ekonomika". At the session of the Assembly of the Society of Economists, Nis, on November 11, 1999, the resolution was adopted the "Ekonomika" was to open its own bank account.
According to the Opinion of the Republic Secretariat for Culture of the Socialist Republic of Serbia No. 413-516/73-02 from July 10, 1973 and the Ministry for Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia No. 541-03-363/94-02 from June 30, 1994, "Ekonomika" has the status of a scientific and national journal. Starting from 1995, "Ekonomika" has been having the status of international economic journal. "Ekonomika" is 1995th by 2006 had the status of an international journal. Since 2008 the 2011th The "Ekonomika" had the status of the scientific journal.
According to the categorization of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia from 2012, "Ekonomika" has become journal of national importance and is marked M 52nd.

EDITORS: dr Jovan Petrović (1954-1958). Miodrag Filipović (1958-1962), Blagoje Matić (1962-1964), dr Dragoljub Stojiljković (1964-1967), dr Miodrag Nikolic (1967-1973), dr Dragoljub Simonović (1973-1984), dr Miodrag Jovanović (1984-3-4/1988) i dr Dragoljub Simonović (1990-till the present day)

Impact factors for 2012:
Bic impact factor 2:0,189 (Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science);
Index Copernicus ICV 2012: 3,85 Journal Master List;
SJIF 2012 = 3.241 (Scientific Journal Impact Factor Value for 2012)
Impact factors for 2013:
The Universal Impact Factor 2013: 0.7692;
Index Copernicus ICV 2013: 3,60 Journal Master List;
Jour Informatics Impact Factor 2013: 0,189
Bic impact factor 2:0, 327 (Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science);
Impact factors for 2014:
Index Copernicus ICV 2014: 78,14 Journal Master List;



Thematic areas

Journal Ekonomike promote original research in economics and other social sciences, providing access to academia, researchers, experts and policy-makers and practitioners on the ground in a highly competitive environment and science.
The journal publishes the results of research conducted in the following principal thematic areas:

  • Economy,

  • Monetary Economics,

  • Banking,

  • Marketing,

  • Management,

  • Agricultural Economics,

  • Law and Economics,

  • Economic History.



Types of manuscripts

Types of manuscripts to be submitted to the Editorial Board for review include the following:

  • Theoretical papers

  • Methodological problems

  • Conceptual models

  • Empirical research

  • Case studies

  • Book reviews

  • Announcements and reviews of scientific congresses in the country and abroad.


















Dear readers, a new issue of Ekonomika jorunal has been released 4/2024






In April 2017, journal Ekonomika is indexed and registered in the following libraries and databases:

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